English: Fishes ກະຊັງລ້ຽງປາ (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
One of the most important cultured fish in the country is the freshwater tilapia. It grows in the inlands. This fish can be sold readily in the local market and has a good chance for the foreign market. It gives ready supply for both the rural and urban families.
There are many ways to raise the tilapia. It can be through the earthen pond culture, cage culture, in barricades, fish pens, tanks, an hapas. But the most commonly used culture is the earthen pond culture.
The success of your tilapia business lies on the quality of your stock, how the market market demands for your fish, and management. A huge determinant of whether it will succeed or not, is on how you managed.
Everybody wants his tilapia business to succeed; therefore, you must choose quality stock. Below are hatchery methods.
Open Pond method:
a. Fingerling collection method - pond serves as spawning and rearing ground. The breeders are left in the pond so they can spawn naturally. The fingerlings are collected on the 30th day after stocking up to the 45th day.
b. Fry collection method - this uses shallower pond. Collection starts after the 10th day of stocking up to the 21st day. Collected fry are stocked in a pond where they are taken care off until they become fingerlings. Put 1-6 breeder /sq meter at 3:1 to 5:1 female to male ratio.
Hapa Method:
This is the most commonly used method for fry or fingerling production. It is usually done in ponds, lakes, or along riverbanks with slow moving water. Put 4-5 breeders per sq m and sex ratio at 3:1 to 7:1. Breeders are fed with commercial or formulated diet at 3-5% of their total body weight. Start fry collection after 2 weeks of stocking. They will be later put into tanks or hapas until they become fingerlings.
Tank method: