Aug 20, 2008

Ube Processing for Your Home based Business

Procedure below describes how to make Ube Flakes, Ube Jam, Ube Pastillas, and Ube Powder.

D. alata or Dioscorea alata, called "water yam", "winged yam" and "purple yam", was first cultivated in Southeast Asia. In the Philippines it is known as ube (or ubi) and is used as an ingredient in many sweet desserts. In India, it is known as ratalu or violet yam or the Moraga Surprise. In Hawaii it is known as uhi.

How to make Ube Flakes


ube puree, 1 kg


drum drier spatula/rubber scraper plastic bags
stainless steel bowls/trays weighing scale
osterizer/blender stainless steel scissors/cutter


1. Clean ube tubers by soaking in tap water and scrubbing using scrubbers to remove surface dirt.
2. Rinse thoroughly.
3. Boil for 30 minutes to 1 hour until soft or retort at 20-psi for 5 minutes.
4. Drain.
5. Peel, slice and mash ube in water (1:1).
6. Weigh mashed ube.
7. Add 5% maltodextrin*. Dissolve in 95% water.
8. Blend thoroughly until smooth.
9. Dry using a drum dryer.
10. Cut and/or form into shapes while hot.
11. Pack in PP bags (0.003- to 0.004-thickness) after cooling at room temperature.
12. Seal. Pack in carton boxes. Label. Store in a cool, dry place.

*How to prepare:
5% maltodextrin solution (bulking agent or carrier and for color protection)

Basis: 1 kilo ube slices/puree: 1kilo x 0.05 = 0.05 kilo or 50 grams
1kilo x 0.95 = 0.95 kilo or 950 grams

5% solution of maltodextrin (50 grams of maltodextrin + 950 grams water) will be added to 1 kilo of ube slices prior to blending or pureeing

How to make Ube Jam


ube puree, 1 kg
pure refined white sugar


rubber scraper/spatula carajay weighing scale
osterizer/blender LPG with stove jars with cap
retort/autoclave stainless steel ladle


1. Clean ube tubers by soaking in tap water and scrubbing using scrubbers to remove surface dirt.
2. Rinse thoroughly.
3. Boil for 30 minutes to 1 hour until soft or retort at 20-psi for 5 minutes.
4. Drain.
5. Peel. Cut, slice and mash ube.
6. Weigh mashed ube.
7. Add 0.2% glucono-delta-lactone (GDL)*.
8. Prepare 50% sugar solution* (syrup). Heat.
9. Add the syrup in mashed ube (1:1).
10. Blend thoroughly. Stir/Cook ube in moderate fire until desired consistency is attained.
11. Pack in jars. Leave 1/3-inch headspace. Seal thoroughly.
12. Process in retort at 15-psi for 15 minutes. Cool at room temperature.
13. Pack in carton boxes.
14. Seal, label and store in a cool, dry place.

*How to prepare:
A. 0.2% gluconodeltalactone (GDL) (to acidify the jam)
= 0.002 x 1000 grams or 1 kilo = 2 grams or 0.002 kilo

B. 50% Syrup
Basis: 1 kilo ube slices/puree
1kilo x 0.5 = 0.5 kilo or 500 grams sugar
1kilo x 0.5 = 0.5 kilo or 500 grams water

How to make Ube Pastilyas


mashed ube, 1 kilo (5 cups)
sugar,300 g (2 1/4 cups)
butter or margarine, 200 g
evaporated milk, 1 cup
full cream powdered milk, 1 cup


rolling pin chopping or kneading board spatula
frying pan kitchen knife wax paper


1. Clean ube tubers by soaking in tap water and scrubbing using scrubbers to remove surface dirt.
2. Rinse thoroughly.
3. Boil for 30 minutes to 1 hour until soft or retort at 20-psi for 5 minutes.
4. Drain thoroughly.
5. Peel. Cut, slice and mash ube.
6. Weigh mashed ube.
7. Add the sugar and evaporated milk. Cook over slow fire. Stirring should be done constantly until a smooth mixture is obtained.
8. Add the full cream powdered milk. Stir while cooking. The mixture should not stick to the sides of the frying pan.
9. Cool to room temperature.
10. Transfer the mixture over a kneading board covered with wax paper.
11. Sprinkle small amounts of sugar over the wax paper.
12. Spread the mashed mixture using a rolling pin until it is 1-inch thick.
13. Spread butter and small amounts of sugar over the mixture.
14. Make slices of about 4 x 1 cm. Wrap individually.

How to make Ube Powder


ube slices, 2 kg


cabinet drier cheesecloth knives
hammermill/pulverizer stainless steel trays retort or autoclave
or osterizer packaging materials carton boxes
sieve stainless steel bowls


1. Clean ube tubers by soaking in tap water and scrubbing using scrubbers to remove surface dirt.
2. Rinse thoroughly.
3. Boil for 30 minutes to 1 hour until soft or retort at 20-psi for 5 minutes.
4. Drain thoroughly.
5. Peel. Cut and slice ube about 2 to 3 mm thickness.
6. Weigh.
7. Dry in cabinet dryer at 60oC until ube becomes brittle.
8. Remove from dryer.
9. Grind using hammer mill/pulverizer.
10. Sieve the pulverized ube in a 45-mesh/300 microns siever.
11. Pack ube powder using metalized foil bags.
12. Seal thoroughly. Pack in carton boxes.
13. Label and store in a cool, dry place.

Source: DOST

Aug 13, 2008

Start a Feed Distribution Business with Vitarich

If you have time, space, location and location, and if you know that there is a high demand for feeds in your area, then maybe this business is for you.

What is it?

Vitarich develops and manufactures high quality animal and aqua feeds. We have a wide range of products available at competitive prices—so competitive, in fact, that all you have to do is open your own store or feeds outlet and you’re all set to go.

What can we do for you?

Vitarich gives you two ways to make profits.

- We’ll provide you with all the feeds you can sell at dealers’ discounted rates and you can determine your profits based on the recommended retail price for your area.
- When you hit a certain volume of bag sales, we’ll give you additional rebates.

What value-added services do we offer?

- If you hit a higher volume, we could help you with our Service Account Officer program where you would have a salesperson in your area assisting you in building your business.
- We also provide your clients with technical support free of charge:

*after sales technical visits including consultations;
*seminars on farm management and other relevant livestock raising issues; and
*free training for farm personnel.

How to start?

Just get in touch with us and we’ll set up a meeting for you with the marketing person in charge of your area.

MacArthur Highway, Abangan Sur,
Marilao, Bulacan 3019 Philippines

Trunklines connecting all departments

PLDT : (632) 843-3033
Digitel: (6344) 711-2829
Smart : (63918) 8482-254
Fax : (632) 843-3033 local 400

Feed Sales & Marketing

Locals : 119 / 120 / 121 / 127 / 131 / 176
Direct Lines : (6344) 711-VITA (8482) or 711-1519

Livestocks & Poultry Operations

Contract Growing
Locals : 309 / 307
Direct Line : (63917) 831-7206

Food Sales
Local : 212
Direct Line : (63917) 505-3246

Technical Support & Hog Sales
Locals : 309 / 307
Direct Line : (63917) 516-9204


WEB-JET Acropolis Building
Unit 302, 3rd Floor
#88 E Rodriguez Jr. Ave.
Bagumbayan, Libis, Quezon City
Tel no. (632) 636-3013
Fax no. (632) 633-8192


Guagua Warehouse
Bo. Natividad, Guagua, Pampanga
Contact Person : Mr. Gerardo Domingo
Mobile# : (63917) 873-5841

Lipa Warehouse
Brgy. Tambo, Lipa City, Batangas
Contact Person : Mr. Martin Tagle
Mobile# : (63917) 516-8502
Telefax : (6343) 757-0880



Brgy. Maliao, Pavia, Ilo-Ilo
Direct Lines : (6333) 329-7658 or 320-6753

CL Montelibano, Cor. Kamunsil St.,
Bacolod City
Direct Line : (6334) 434-8166

Juez M.O. Echavez St., Sudlon,
Maguikay, Mandaue City
Direct Lines : (6332) 345-3511 to 12

Km. 14, Panacan, Davao City
Direct Lines : (6382) 238-0330 to 32

General Santos
Biocrest Feedmill, National Hi-Way,
Apopong, General Santos City
Direct Lines : (6383) 552-6031 or 553-5467

Cagayan de Oro
Bo. Umalag, Tablon,
Cagayan de Oro City
Direct Lines : (6388) 855-2868 to 70