Sep 15, 2018

Nata de Coco from Coconut Water or Milk


Materials: Coconut water Acetic acid Refined sugar Nata starter Ammonium phosphate 

Pieces of equipment: Weighing scale Strainers Wide-mouthed glass jars or basins Kettles 

 1. The collected coconut water is filtered through a cheesecloth. One hundred (100 gms.) refined sugar and 5 grams monobasic ammonium phosphate is mixed for every liter of coconut water in a container. The container is covered and the mixture allowed to boil. It is then allowed to cool after boiling and 6.9 ml. of glacial acetic acid is added. 
 2. 110-150 ml. of starter (available at ITDI, DOST) is added to the mixture. It is subsequently transferred to big mouthed clean jars leaving ample space atop mixture and covered with clean cheese cloth. The culture is allowed to grow at room temperature for 15 days or more. Note: Do not move jars during growth period. 
3. Harvest is ready after 15 days or more, making sure that all conditions are aseptic so as to enable one to reuse the remaining liquid which serves as starter for succeeding preparations. 
 4. Dessert Making. The "nata" is cut into cubes and is subjected to a series of boiling with fresh water until acidity is totally removed. One kilo of refined sugar is added for every kilo of nata and are mixed. It is brought to boiling until the "nata" cubes become transparent.

Materials: 1 kilo Grated coconut 600 gms. Refined sugar 1/2 liter Coconut water 12 liters Ordinary water 2 liters Nata starter (available at ITDI, DOST) 325 c Glacial acetic acid (available in drugstores) 

1. Extract the cream from the coconut, strain through a cheesecloth. 
2. Mix all ingredients. 
3. Transfer to big mouthed clean jars and allow around 2-3 inches in height of the liquid. 
4. Cover with a clean cheesecloth. The culture is allowed to grow at room temperature for 15 days or more. Note: Do not move the jars during growth period. 
5. Harvest is ready after 15 days or more, making sure that all conditions are aseptic so as to enable one to reuse the remaining liquid which serves as starter for succeeding preparations. 
6. Dessert Making: The "nata" is cut into cubes and is subjected to a series of boiling with fresh water until acidity is totally removed. One kilo of refined sugar is added for every kilo of nata and are mixed. It is brought to boiling until the "nata" cubes become transparent. 

 Source: Technology developed by: ITDI (DOST)

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