Jan 22, 2007

How to make Taho from Coconut Milk or Soy Beans

Taho from Coconut Milk

If soybeans are more expensive or are not available, we can use coconut milk and gulaman in making the morning delicacy Taho. This is very feasible since we have an abundant coconuts planted all over the country.


1. Mix pure coconut milk with equal volume of water and heat.
2. In a container, dissolve 1/4 gulaman bar in water, boil.
3. Strain the dissolved gulaman and coconut milk. Heat and stir continuously for at least 20 minutes.
4. Pour into molds and allow to cool and harden.

To make syrup:

Dissolve 2 cups brown sugar in one-cup water. Heat until thick.

Taho from Soybeans


3 cups mature and newly harvested soybeans
2 bars white gulaman
3 cups brown sugar
strainer (muslin or nylon cloth)


1. Soak soybeans overnight in water 3 times its volume.
2. Remove outer covering, grind ; add water little by little (at least 6 cups) while grinding.
3. Dissolve 2 bars gulaman in boiling water (7 cups).
4. Pour the ground soybean in boiling gulaman for 7 minutes or until the odor of grains removed.
5. Set aside until it coagulates.
6. Serve with syrup.

Syrup is prepared as follows:

3 cups sugar is dissolve in 3 cups water. The sugar may be caramelized to improved color and flavor.

Source: ITDI-DOST,The Philippine Recommends For Soybean PCARRD 1991, photo courtesy of www.buhaykorea.com

1 comment:

  1. Most magtataho carry plastic cups for their product, often in two sizes (though vendors in residential communities tend to use their customers' cups and price their product accordingly). Using a wide, shallow metal sandok or scoop, they skim the surface of the bean curd and toss out any excess water, subsequently scooping the bean curd itself into a cup. Then, using a long, thin metal ladle, they scoop sago or tapioca "pearls" and arnibal into the cup, loosely mixing it in.

    Tahô is enjoyed either with a spoon, sipping it with a straw, or by simply slurping it straight from the cup. Though traditionally served warm, cold varieties exist in supermarkets and in food stalls in cafeterias which have the bean curd in a solid, unbroken state. These pre-packed cups tend to contain a firmer tofu which need to be broken up and is sold either with a plastic spoon or a wooden popsicle stick
